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Recreational Classes for Boys and Girls

Foundational Classes


Ages 18 months - 3 years

45 min classes


This is a parent - tot class. Parents are included in the structure of this class to provide the opportunity to interact with their child in a gym setting. The skills worked on in this class include running, skipping, and hopping. The obstacle course is used to encourage climbing and discovering the world around your toddler in a safe and padded environment. The class is held in the enclosed kindergym area with time spent in the loose foam pit at the end. Children do not need to be potty trained for this class.


Ages 3 - 5 years

45 min classes


These classes are structured with parents watching. This is the first time many children this age are working on taking turns, listening to directions, and following in a line. This is a great opportunity to expose youngsters to a class setting. Skills focused on in this class include basic body shapes, rolling forward and backwards, being off the ground on bars and rings in the kindergym setting, climbing the rock wall to work on basic strength, rope climbing to encourage overall body strength, balancing on hands and feet while on a beam, and much more. Most of the class is spent in the enclosed kindergym area.



Ages 5 - 6 years

60 minute classes

This class is structured to work on more basic gymnastics skills including cartwheels, handstands and bridges on floor, front supports and circling skills on bars, balance skills including jumps and hops on beam along with rolling skills and dismounts. This is a co-ed class in which the girls will be exposed to the strength required to do many of the same basic skills the boys work on. On vault, focused skill are running and punching on the springboard.  On bars, the students will work on casting, along with forward and backward circling skills to develop into dismounts. Class time is spent in the kindergym, along with the large gym facility.

Advanced Kindergym

Ages 5 - 6 years

60 minute classes


This class is structured to develop skills geared toward competition level skills. The athletes will continue to work on basic gymnastics skills including cartwheels, handstands and bridges on floor, front supports and circling skills on bars, balance skills including jumps and hops on beam, along with rolling skills and dismounts. This is a girls only class in which the girls will be exposed to the strength required to do many of the skills they will be working on in a more structured class. On vault, focused skills are running and punching on the springboard, dive rolling, and flat falls. On bars, the students will work on casting, along with forward and backward circling skills to develop into dismounts. Class time is spent in the kindergym, along with the large gym facility. More conditioning is built into this class structure to prepare the athletes for expectations of a team track setting. If competition is the direction you think you want your child to go, this is a great way to ease them into the transition.

Recreational Classes

Beginner Girls

Ages 6 and up

60 minute class once a week

This class focuses on basic body shapes, flexibility, and conditioning. On floor, girls will learn correct shapes in rolls and cartwheels. On bars, students will begin learning to support themselves and circle around the bar. On balance beam, athletes will work on beginning balance moves including jumps, hops, walking, and turning, along with beginning acro skills of rolls and jump style dismounts. On vault, girls will focus on the run and approach on the board with building strength of stick landings.


Intermediate Girls

Ages 6 and up

90 minute class once a week

Girls will begin working on walkover skills forward and backward on floor, along with roundoff shaping and beginning back handspring drills. On bars, students will master the pullover and back hip circle and begin working kip stations for body shaping. On balance beam, they will focus on learning a cartwheel, along with handstands and a handstand dismount. On vault, they will begin to do drills up to the table and will begin to go into the pit with their landings. There is still focus on running shapes and styles. More time is spent conditioning during this level to ensure safe skills.


Advanced Girls

Ages 7 and up

2 hour class once a week

This class sees girls learning roundoff back handsprings, front handsprings, and front tucks. On bars, they will focus on the kip and strength, along with low to high bar transitions. Athletes may begin flipping dismounts into the pit. On balance beam, girls will begin to work on front and back walkovers, along with full turns and split jumps.  These skills require much more air awareness to complete. On vault, the athletes will work on vaulting over the table with soft landings in the pit. There will be specific focus on conditioning skills to build the gymnasts' strength and flexibility.


Beginner Boys

Ages 6 and up

60 minute class once a week

In this class, the boys will learn basic gymnastics skills including forward rolling skills on floor, and basic headstand and handstand positions. They will begin to work on the high bar, learning swinging skills and working on being off the ground. On rings, they focus on pull ups and leg lifts, which are key parts of the foundational skills on this event. On parallel bars, the boys will learn short routines, including front support swings, leg cuts and straddles, and swing dismounts. Vault skills focus on punching and running at the spring board. On the mushroom the boys will begin to learn the basic body positions necessary to complete a round.  This is one of the hardest skills for the boys to acquire, and the most exciting when they accomplish it!


Intermediate Boys

Ages 6 and up

90 minute class once a week

This class focuses on the more advanced skills: cartwheels, handstands, round offs, and limbering skills on floor. Inversion skills and strength holds are the focus for rings and parallel bars. Boys will learn how to complete a circling skill on the mushroom top and a basic routine on the pommel horse. At this level, vault skills focus on front tucks and handspring flat falls on the resi pit. This class also spends time working on strength and flexibility.


Advanced Boys

Ages 6 and up

2 hour class once a week

In this class, the boys will learn routines that could translate into a competition setting. Athletes will work on dismounts and flipping skills on each of the apparatus. On floor, the boys will start to work on back and front handsprings. On rings, the boys will begin to work on flyaway dismounts, inverts to shoot outs, and swings. This is the level in which the boys will learn routines and flares on the pommel horse. More intense conditioning and flexibility are performed in this class to ensure the safety of the athlete while performing their skills.

Tumbling Acro Class

Ages 6 and up

60 minutes once a week

This class focuses on basic floor tumbling skills including cartwheels, limbers, handsprings, and aerials. Upon mastery of skills, combinations are then put together to create short tumbling passes. This class also includes time to work on core conditioning, which is critical for safe progressions while tumbling.

6+ Rec

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704 Industrial Ave Ste 200

Grinnell, Iowa  50112


Tel: 641-236-1438

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